AKC Stainless Steel Recycle Bin

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AED 1,650.00

Resistant to heat/water and also rust/decay proof.

Product Code: RB01
Origin: China
Availability: In Stock


  • Extremely robust and durable for commercial use, outdoors.
  • Well build construction helps to prevent it from getting damaged.
  • Highly pigmented paint prevents chipping off or fading over time.
  • Embellished with a generous artisanship that offers immense utilization.

Size ( L x W x H ) 120 x 35 x 76 cm
Capacity 60 + 60 + 60 + 60 Liters
Total Capacity 240 Liters
Material 304 Stainless Steel
Inside Material Galvanized Metal
Colors Categories
Yellow Plastic
Blue Paper
Red Cans
Green General Waste

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