Gel-Based Blockage Opener

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AED 24.00

Heavy Duty Alkaline Drain Opener

Product Code: SN23-1
Origin: Italy
Availability: In Stock

Featuring fast-acting enzymes, and strong chemical composition, SANITEC's product line of pipeline blockage openers are well-trusted to get the job done, un-clogging even the most resistant cloggings & blockades.


  • Liquid biological activator for the treatment and degreasing of drains, pipes, and septic tanks.
  • Removes the most resistant scaling and grime, stopping pipe blockages and the development of bad odors.
  • Heavy and thick gel-based formula aids in the quicker digestion of clogs & blockages moving with ease through stagnant water.
  • Regular usage maintains efficiency while preventing future incidents of blockages, therefore reducing maintenance and cleaning costs.

Capacity 1000 ML

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